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    MPs shout and offend each other during today's session of the Sejm

    Today was truly a show of bad manners in the Polish Sejm. The quarrel began with the leader of the Civic Platform party, Borys Budka interrupting the speech of Barbara Nowacka, who was giving arguments behind the motion to dismiss the Minister of Health. Budka tried to stop deputy Prime Minister Gliński and the leader of the ruling Law and Justice party, Jarosław Kaczyński from leaving the hall during the vote of no-confidence against Minister Szumowski. After that, the situation spiralled out of control, especially when chairman Kaczyński called the shouting members of the opposition “a rude rabble”. Speaker Terlecki could not get the MPs of both sides to calm down and finally ordered a five-minute break. It seems like both the ruling party and the opposition are going to go all out in the coming days leading to the presidential elections on June 28th. Only time will tell who will be the winners, and who will be the losers of this unacceptable rudeness.

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