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    Fostering Agricultural Innovation and Ensuring Food Quality: Insights from a Joint Council Meeting

    In a significant gathering at the Presidential Palace on December 7, 2023, the Council for Agriculture and Rural Areas, alongside the Council for Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources of the National Development Council, convened under the guidance of Minister Piotr Ćwik, Deputy Chief of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland.

    The meeting delved into two crucial discussions. Firstly, it explored “New Concepts in Creating Synthetic Fertilizers as an Opportunity for Agriculture.” Subsequently, the participants addressed the pivotal question of whether high-quality food presents an opportunity for Polish agriculture in the globalizing markets.

    Guests included Janusz Kowalski, State Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, accompanied by experts, Filip Grzegorczyk, CEO of Azoty Group Kędzierzyn, and representatives of the Polish food industry.

    An analysis of the fertilizer sector regarding Poland’s food security was presented, considering the rising environmental challenges and competition from third countries within the framework of EU regulations.

    Government representatives outlined actions pertaining to certified Polish food marked with EU and national quality signs, emphasizing the rigorous oversight. Polish food industry representatives stressed compliance with stringent production and quality standards, elucidating the certification process.


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