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    Poland’s Automotive Sector Embraces Automation for Competitive Edge

    The automotive landscape in Poland is undergoing a transformation, with automation emerging as a cornerstone for maintaining competitiveness. According to ABB’s report, the sector is pivoting towards software, digitization, and data management, with over half of surveyed companies anticipating significant changes in automation and robotics. This shift reflects a global trend towards modular and flexible production, enabling quicker adaptation to evolving technologies and market demands.

    Poland: From Low to Medium Operational Costs

    Despite Poland shedding its image as a low-cost operational hub, it remains a key player in Europe’s automotive supply chain. Grzegorz Lefler from ABB highlights Poland’s strengths, including a skilled workforce, increasing automation levels, and stable political-economic conditions. Moreover, the country’s presence in international organizations ensures adherence to rigorous production standards, while its proximity to Western markets enhances its appeal.

    Poland’s automotive sector is leveraging the shift towards electromobility to solidify its position in Europe. With the establishment of new facilities for electric vehicle components, automation plays a pivotal role in enhancing production efficiency and quality. ABB predicts a rising prominence of collaborative robots, designed to work alongside humans without the need for extensive safety measures, further driving productivity and innovation.

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