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    Knife Attack on Polish Soldier at Belarus Border

    Early Tuesday morning around 4:30 AM, a Polish soldier from WZZ Podlasie was stabbed while patrolling the Poland-Belarus border near Dubicze Cerkiewne (Podlaskie). The attacker, identified as a migrant, reached through gaps in the steel fence and stabbed the soldier in the rib area.

    Major Magdalena Kościńska, spokesperson for the 16th Pomeranian Mechanized Division, reported that the injured soldier received immediate first aid from a Border Guard officer and was then transported to a hospital. The soldier’s condition is stable.

    Aggressive Behavior

    Border Guard officials described the scene as chaotic, with migrants displaying aggressive behavior, attacking the injured soldier and the officer providing first aid. Vehicles were used to shield the victims from further harm.

    In a related incident, a Border Guard officer was attacked with a homemade weapon, sustaining facial injuries from a broken bottle. Another officer was injured by a knife attached to a stick. Both officers were taken to the hospital and received medical care.

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