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    Cyanobacteria Blooms Cause Beach Closures in Poland

    Every summer, parts of Poland’s beaches are closed due to cyanobacteria blooms. These blooms, fueled by warm water temperatures and nutrient runoff, pose health risks and disrupt holiday plans.

    Impact on Beaches

    From late June, several beaches, including those at Lake Zegrzyński, Gdynia, and Olsztyn, have been closed. Cyanobacteria blooms cause water discoloration and foam formation, leading to health warnings and beach closures.

    Health Risks

    Cyanobacteria produce toxins harmful to humans and animals, affecting the digestive, nervous, and respiratory systems. While no fatalities from recreational water use have been documented, contact with contaminated water can cause various health issues.

    Environmental Concerns

    These blooms also threaten marine ecosystems. Decomposing cyanobacteria deplete oxygen levels, expanding “dead zones” on the seabed. Climate change and nutrient runoff exacerbate the problem, leading to more frequent and severe blooms.

    Monitoring and Prevention

    Scientists use satellite imagery to predict blooms, but identifying toxic species remains challenging. Efforts to reduce nutrient runoff and mitigate climate change impacts are essential to manage this growing environmental threat.

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