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    Minister Michał Kurtyka on the transformation of the district heating sector

    The objectives and challenges of the district heating sector in Poland were the main topics of the debate, which was attended by the Minister of Climate and Environment Michał Kurtyka. The event took place on March 25, 2021, at the headquarters of the Skierniewice Power Plant.

    During the meeting, Minister Kurtyka stressed that the main objective of the Heating Strategy, which is currently being worked on by the Ministry of Climate and Environment, was to adapt it to the challenges of the transition towards a low-carbon one. As he pointed out, district heating emits much less air pollution comparing to individual sources. Thus, preferring this type of heat source, it is possible to bump up the reduction of emissions of harmful dust into the atmosphere.


    ‘The District Heating Strategy developed by the Ministry of Climate and Environment will not only provide an important economic boost but also will guarantee the security of heat supply for final customers,’ said Minister Kurtyka.


    ‘The implementation of the strategy and the decarbonisation of the sector will reduce the increase in heat prices,’ he added.


    The Minister of Climate and Environment pointed out that the role of natural gas will ultimately decrease, renewable sources and waste heat will work under the system and cogeneration will move upwards in the district heating curve (peak source).


    ‘By 2040, we anticipate a further intensive increase in the share of RES and a move away from centrally powered systems towards the integration of heat pumps at different points in district heating systems,’ he added.


    District heating accounts for about 24% of the heat market. Currently, 16 million Poles are connected to district heating networks. According to the strategy for district heating, this figure is expected to increase by 1.5 million new households.

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