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    An unusual exhibition of “Gazeta Polska” in the centre of Warsaw

    This Thursday (24 June) at noon, an outdoor exhibition titled ‘Laur Niepodległości’ will be unveiled at Piłsudski Square in Warsaw. On forty display panels, visitors to the exhibition will be able to learn the history of “Gazeta Polska” from the interwar period, as well as get to know the important figures from the Piłsudski camp who created the magazine. The opening ceremony of the exhibition will be hosted by the editor Katarzyna Gójska.

    During the Second Republic of Poland, on 30 October 1929 “Gazeta Polska” was established as the main press organ of the Piłsudski camp. The history of this interwar periodical was the subject of an extensive album publication – “Laur niepodległości. Gazeta Polska in the years 1929-1939”, which allows contemporary Poles to immerse themselves in the vivid current of the history of the reborn homeland and listen to the voices of the co-creators of Independence – Józef Piłsudski, Ignacy Mościcki, Walery Sławek, Kazimierz Sosnkowski, Józef Beck, Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski and the greatest creative personalities of the time.


    On the occasion of the publication of this outstanding album, the Free Word Zone community is preparing a special exhibition, which will be installed at Piłsudski Square in Warsaw. The ceremonial opening of the exhibition will take place on 24 June at noon and the ceremony will be hosted by editor Katarzyna Gójska.


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