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    Do Poles want united opposition parties? We know the answer

    Opposition voters would prefer to vote for one united opposition party in the next parliamentary elections – we read in “Rzeczpospolita”. Law and Justice voters, on the other hand, are divided on what name the ruling party should run under in the elections.

    Whether the opposition should go to elections as one party or not, its supporters were asked in a poll for “Rz” conducted by IBRiS.


    36.3 per cent thought the opposition should go “definitely together,” while 24.2 per cent thought it should go “rather together.” According to 17.7 per cent, the opposition parties should go “rather separately,” and according to 6.8 per cent – “definitely separately.” Fifteen per cent of respondents expressed no opinion.


    On the other hand, voters of the Law and Justice party were asked under what banner the ruling camp should stand in the election.


    According to 44.1% of respondents, it should be done as the United Right (PiS, Solidarna Polska and Republicans), according to 39.8% – as PiS, and according to 14.7% – under some new name. 1.4 per cent did not express an opinion.


    As “Rz” points out, the IBRiS survey was conducted using standardized computer-assisted telephone questionnaire interviews (CATI).

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