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Poles are longer professionally active

According to the announcement of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) which was sent to the editorial team of FilaryBiznesu. pl, more and more people postpone their retirement and continue to be professionally active. It turns out that this has been a trend among seniors for three years now.

Eight medals for the Polish National Team at the Youth World Boxing Championships – Kielce 2021

Polish representatives had a great show during the World Youth Boxing Championships, which ended on Friday (23 Apr), held in Kielce. The white and red team won a total of eight medals!

National Centre of Culture with the Visegrad Prize

The National Cultural Centre in Warsaw will be honoured with the Visegrad Prize. This was decided by the Ministers of Culture of the Visegrad Group countries - informed the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport.

What do Poles most eagerly read?

The ideal book for a Polish reader is a detective story published on paper, preferably by Remigiusz Mróz - shows the latest readership survey by the National Library of Poland, released shortly before World Book and Copyright Day on April 23.

Morawiecki: Clean environment, climate, air and beautiful rivers – our national goal

All our actions must lead to the fact that the cost of the energy transition is distributed properly, the least well-off groups must have the prospect of change – said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Friday at the Togetair climate summit.

Andrzej Duda accepted Biden's invitation. He will present Polish concepts at the climate summit

President Andrzej Duda will attend the climate summit convened by US President Joe Biden, which begins on Thursday. President Duda will speak at Friday's debate on issues of economic growth and job creation combined with ambitious climate policy. The meeting has a symbolic dimension, experts stress, and provides a field for building concepts and plans before the climate summit in Glasgow in the autumn of 2021.

Daniel Obajtek: I will not take a step back! “Let them keep publishing, it doesn't bother me anymore”

In an interview for the “Rzeczpospolita”, Orlen CEO Daniel Obajtek said that the series of articles against him was a planned order. "I won't take a step back. Especially under the influence of manipulative and lying publications in some media. Let them keep publishing, it doesn't bother me anymore," he added.

A new historical monument in Lesser Poland

The 17th-century wooden church of St John the Baptist in Orawka has been a historical monument since Tuesday (20 Apr). The regulation in this matter was signed by President Andrzej Duda.

The Minister of Health changed his mind about amantadine

I declare that we will see the first test results for amantadine in about two weeks – said the Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski on Tuesday. In his opinion, if they prove positive, amantadine could be used to treat coronavirus later this year.

Today is the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

The Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Joseph Schudrich said that the truth about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising had to be told. "This is our moral obligation. Its heroes have shown that there are values in life for which you have to fight to the end," he said. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising began on April 19, 1943. It was the first urban uprising in occupied Europe.

78th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

The POLIN Museum will lay flowers by the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes and organized a concert dedicated to ghetto’s women. Moreover, the POLIN Museum organized the socio-education campaign “Daffodils” to commemorate the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which will be on Monday (19 Apr). The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is still the point of reference for Israel and the joint Polish-Jewish experience – said Jan Józef Kasprzyk, the Head of the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression.

11th anniversary of the Presidential Couple’s funeral

The 11th anniversary of the funeral of President Lech Kaczyński and his wife Maria will be celebrated at the Cathedral in Wawel on Sunday evening. The Holy Mass will be celebrated with the intention of the victims of the Smoleńsk Air Disaster of 10th April 2010.

V4 music concert

A chamber concert of composers from V4 countries took place on Friday in Moscow in the prestigious concert hall of the Zariadje Park, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Visegrad Group. The songs were performed by the Musica Viva orchestra.

Warsaw Stock Exchange is already 30 years old

On April 12, 1991, the Minister of Finance representing the State Treasury and the Minister of Property Transformation signed the founding act of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE).

Ministerial Conference Forest Europe

"Direct public contact with forest services should be disseminated, and the benefits of sustainable forest management should be presented more widely. A forest that is more accessible to society is conducive to communication and information activities," stressed the Deputy Minister for Climate and Environment at the Forest Europe Ministerial Conference.

The open-air exhibition “Katyn Massacre 1940. The murder of Polish elites”

It is now eighty-one years since the Soviet murdered in April and May 1940 almost 22 000 of our compatriots who were the elite of pre-war Poland. On 13th April the Polish Parliament established the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Katyn Massacre. On this occasion, the Ministry of Justice presents an open-air exhibition, which can be seen on the fence in front of the Ministry of Justice headquarter in Warsaw.

Prof. Gut: I don't see a chance to bring back stationary learning

‘At the moment, I see no chance to open schools and allow older children to attend schools freely,’ said virologist Prof. Włodzimierz Gut.

Belarusian militia in Andrzej Pisalnik's house

The militia entered the house of the editor-in-chief of znadniemna. pl, secretary of the General Board of the Union of Poles in Belarus Andrzej Pisalnik – reported kresy24. pl today.

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