Justyna Kozdryk won a bronze medal at the Paralympic Games in Tokyo in weightlifting, 45 kg class. The 41-year-old Polish barbell athlete gained 101 kg, and the gold medal was won by Latifat Tijani, a year younger Nigerian - 107 kg.
The Polish Power Exchange has established the Agricultural Market Council, which is composed mainly of representatives of organisations representing the agricultural and food sector. In addition, the Board includes representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the National Agricultural Support Centre and the WSE Capital Group. The objective of the Council is to work out recommendations concerning, among others, the strategy of development of the Agricultural Exchange Market.
Marcin Polak and pilot Michał Ładosz won bronze at the 4000 m distance in the Paralympic Games in Tokyo. This is the first medal for Poland in this event.
On September 9, exactly 10 years will have passed since "Gazeta Polska Codziennie" was published! This is a great opportunity to celebrate. We invite you to watch the broadcast of the gala on Tuesday, August 24th at 7 pm on TV Republika.
The Żubr Fund, in cooperation with Biebrza National Park, helps to buy parcels located in the area, which should be protected even more effectively. It is the first initiative of this kind at the junction of business and nature conservation in Poland and response of the European Union and the United Nations to the demands of the Żubr Fund, which call for giving back to nature the land it deserves to stop the climate and environmental crisis.
The competition for the Gordon Bennett Cup, the international long-distance balloon flying championship, is underway. The Polish team - Krzysztof Zapart and Adam Ginalski - has already covered 437 kilometres from the starting point and is at the head of the competition stakes.
A Polish shop exploded in Lelystad in central Holland on Sunday night, the daily "De Telegraaf" reported. Fortunately, there are no casualties. The incident occurred around 3.30 AM. Police officers at the scene are investigating the circumstances of the incident.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence! It is worth knowing that in terms of polyphenols, i.e., bioactive compounds with numerous proven health-promoting properties, chokeberry beats not only other fruits and vegetables but also, among others, green tea, ginger or red wine. That is why, for many years now, Polish chokeberry preserves have been bought by the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese.
Sunday morning greeted us with sunshine, mostly in the east of the country. From the west, however, cloud cover will increase, there will be brief rain showers, and in the afternoon also thunderstorms - announced weather forecaster of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management Grazyna Dabrowska. "Sunday will be the last warm day," she added.
They have 10,000 km ahead of them, through Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, all the way to Nepal! The expedition aims to commemorate the first great expedition organized by the Sudetes Mountaineering Club in 1979 to Annapurna South, in which three Himalayan climbers tragically lost their lives. The participant of that expedition, apart from Krzysztof Wielicki, was also Jerzy Pietrowicz.
Czech Republic - Poland is the third match of the volleyball European Championship. Polish women have two clashes behind them. Will they emerge victorious from the third?
The Ministry of Infrastructure reports:
As of January 31, 2022, you will be able to keep your existing vehicle license number and temporarily withdraw your passenger car from traffic. The possibility to keep, at the owner's request, the current registration number of the purchased vehicle and extension of the catalogue of vehicles temporarily withdrawn from traffic by passenger cars was introduced by the Act of 14 August 2020 amending the Act - the Road Traffic Law and certain other acts.
On 21 and 22 August at the Kosakowo Airport, the biggest air show in Poland takes place. Making their first appearance at Aerobaltic will be the legendary Red Arrows, the spectacular Rafale Solo Display and the loud Solo Türk. The Polish White and Red Iskras aircraft (sparks) will also return!
"There is no such thing as 'no man's land. There is a borderline - there is the Polish side and the Belarusian side. There is a border road lane, but it is either on the Polish or Belarusian side. The group of people, who have been camping for several days near the border, is on the Belarusian side," explained Lt. Anna Michalska in the noon conversation at RMF FM.
Greek border guards are on the alert to prevent a repeat of a wave of mass migrant arrivals like in 2015, the Greek government said, referring to the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan.
Today Artur "Walus" Walczak died in Wroclaw clinic. During the PunchDown 5 show, the strongman suffered a stroke and was put in a medically induced coma, from which he was unable to wake up. The information about his death was confirmed by a person close to the strongman.
There was an accident on the A14 motorway in Germany at night from Thursday to Friday that resulted in the driver of a sports Porsche being decapitated. Polish drivers were involved in an attempt to stop the damaged vehicle.