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Embarrassment for Deputy Minister of Defense: Attempt to Attack Nawrocki Backfires Amid Fake News Frenzy

The online landscape is seeing a rise in unofficial pages purportedly covering the campaign of presidential candidate Karol Nawrocki. Some of these platforms publish content intended to damage the image of the President of the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN). While many of these posts are so absurd they obviously lack any connection to the historian, one individual missed the memo—Deputy Minister of National Defense Cezary Tomczyk.

Recent polls indicate that Nawrocki’s support is steadily growing, much to the dismay of politicians backing his rivals. Just last week, reported on a childish attack by Deputy Minister of Digitization Michał Gramatyka, a Poland 2050 politician, who took issue with Nawrocki’s choice of sweater.

This Tuesday, another deputy minister joined the fray. Cezary Tomczyk, a politician from the Civic Coalition, seized on a Facebook page titled “President Karol Nawrocki 2025” to malign the civic-minded candidate. Sharing multiple posts from the page on his profile, Tomczyk highlighted content such as links to articles like “Anna Mucha Poses TOPLESS.”

“Conservative candidate? Nawrocki? Interesting! Radek Fogiel, solid online campaigning,” Tomczyk sarcastically commented.

However, the posts that caught the deputy minister’s attention have no connection to Nawrocki’s official campaign. MP Radosław Fogiel clarified the issue, sharing screenshots revealing that the page in question was renamed to mimic Nawrocki’s name on December 7. Previously, it had operated under names like “Fitness Arena.” The questionable posts were dated several years back.

“And no, this isn’t some purchased page for the campaign—someone simply changed the name to rack up likes,” Fogiel emphasized.

It seems only a matter of time before other politicians from the Civic Coalition find equally dubious “evidence” to link to Nawrocki. MP Adam Andruszkiewicz noted an increase in fake profiles, addressing Civic Platform politicians directly: “You’re playing dirty; you’re nothing but a massive fake.”

Andruszkiewicz added, “We are continually reporting these impersonating accounts to social media platform administrators to have them removed. This spread of disinformation must be addressed.”

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