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Law and Justice – Heir of the Independence People’s Movement

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

On Sunday, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki took part in the celebration of the Independence Day of the People’s Movement in Stara Błotnica near Białobrzegi. During his speech, Prime Minister touched on the heritage of the People’s Movement and the role played by the Law and Justice party in today’s Poland.

Prime Minister noted that it is important to look at who is actually the heir to the idea of the independence folk movement in free Poland. In his view, the heir to this movement is precisely the Law and Justice party. It is this party, according to the Prime Minister, which acts in the interests of the Polish farmer, even if this means acting against some decisions of the European Union.

Mateusz Morawiecki also stressed that difficult times call for a decisive response. He cited examples of how the government has acted in various crisis situations. In the case of drought, African swine fever (ASF), shortages of fertilisers, or problems with the availability and price of coal, the Polish government took active measures. Even in the case of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, matters were not left indifferent, but appropriate steps were taken. Now, faced with problems of managing incoming grain, the Prime Minister assured that decisive action was also being taken, even if this meant going against EU policy. The main aim of the action is to protect the interests of the Polish farmer.

“When there was a problem with natural disasters and hurricanes we did not sit back but acted every time. Even today, when there is a problem with the management of incoming grain, we act. We are acting decisively, even against the European Union. We are acting in the interests of the Polish farmer.”,

said Prime Minister Morawiecki in Stara Błotnica

The Prime Minister drew attention to the upcoming elections, arguing that some parties, especially those with a liberal orientation, would suddenly take an interest in the Polish countryside and the peasant movement. However, according to him, their knowledge of these issues is very limited. He compared it to a situation where the chicken is on pepper or the goose on saffron – completely ignorant of the issue at hand. The Prime Minister suggested that the Liberal parties only exploit rural issues before the elections, only to forget what matters most to the countryside afterwards.

In his speech, Mateusz Morawiecki also recalled how the policies of the Civic Platform (PO) had affected the Polish countryside and agriculture during the 25 years of their rule. He stressed that under the PO government, the Polish countryside collapsed and the State Agricultural Farms (PGRs) were abolished as a relic. The Prime Minister accused Civic Platform of pursuing the policies of Balcerowicz’s disciple, with Donald Tusk being the most notorious disciple.

PM Morawiecki then went on to compare the difference in the approach of the current and previous government towards farmers’ problems, such as the occurrence of droughts. In his view, the current government is taking much more effective measures for farmers and is investing large sums of money from the Polish budget in saving Polish agriculture. He stressed that although no external funds are given to us, EU funds will still be used in the interest of Poland.

It is worth noting that Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki’s words express the position of the Law and Justice government towards agriculture and the Polish countryside. Prime Minister emphasises the government’s strong commitment to defending the interests of the Polish farmer and Poland’s independence in making decisions related to the management of the agricultural sector.

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