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Minister of Education regards Ziobro as best justice minister in years

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Poland’s education minister has described Zbigniew Ziobro as the country’s best justice minister since the late Lech Kaczynski held the post in the years 2000-2001.

Ziobro, leader of Solidary Poland, a euro-sceptic junior member of the United Right (ZP) governing coalition, has been opposing an amended bill on the Supreme Court, tabled by ruling Law and Justice MPs to satisfy one of the rule-of-law “milestones”, set by the European Commission, in an attempt to unlock Poland’s access to billions of euros in EU post-pandemic funding.

His opposition to the bill has prompted speculation that Mateusz Morawicki, the prime minister, may sack him in order to get the bill through parliament.

But Przemyslaw Czarnek, education minister, said that this would not happen.

“There is no question of changing the justice minister in the United Right government,” he told the private broadcaster Radio Zet on Thursday. “Please accept this once and for all.”

“I am convinced that Minister Ziobro is the best justice minister since Lech Kaczynski and will continue to be the justice minister as long as ZP rules… for at least four-and-a-half more years,” Czarnek said.

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