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Over One Million Foreigners Now Working in Poland, GUS Reports

According to the latest data released by Poland’s Central Statistical Office (GUS), 1,041,600 foreign nationals were employed in the country by the end of July last year. These workers hail from more than 150 countries, with the largest group—701,300 individuals—coming from Ukraine.

Foreigners accounted for 6.8% of the total workforce at that time. Notably, over 405,400 foreign workers were employed on task-based contracts or similar agreements. While men still constituted the majority of working foreigners, their share declined from 64.7% in January 2022 to 59.7% by July 2024.

Regional data shows that nearly one in five foreign workers (19.6%) resided in the Warsaw metropolitan area, whereas Świętokrzyskie region recorded the lowest number of foreign employees, at under 1%. These findings underscore the growing importance of international workers in Poland’s labor market, despite shifts in regional distribution and demographic trends.

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