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    Police ditch beach in Sopot presumably in search for Iwona Wieczorek

    Police have been carrying out procedural acts in criminal proceedings at the premises of the former Zatoka Sztuki in Sopot for several days. On Wednesday afternoon, a police tracking dog appeared on the Sopot beach near the club.

    On Thursday evening last week, police cordoned off and secured the area around the New Zatoka building in Sopot. The measures are being taken on behalf of the Malopolska Regional Department for Organised Crime and Corruption in Krakow. The building is still being guarded by police officers.

    On Wednesday evening, videos appeared on the portal showing officers digging up the beach adjacent to the former Zatoka Sztuki and searching the area with the help of a tracking dog. A military tent was also erected in the area adjacent to the club.

    Officially unconfirmed search reason

    Speaking to PAP (the Polish Press Agency) on Wednesday evening, prosecutor Karol Borchólski said that “procedural acts in criminal proceedings at the building started a few days ago and “are being continued all the time”.

    The prosecutor’s office is still not revealing whether securing the premises is related to the investigation into the disappearance of Iwona Wieczorek, as it is the Malopolska Regional Division of the Department for Organised Crime and Corruption in Krakow that is investigating the case.

    Criminal story of the club

    The premises where Nowa Zatoka is now located were established more than ten years ago as Zatoka Sztuki on land leased by the city to the T. siblings’ company. The Sopot authorities wanted to create a cultural showcase for the city there.

    Zatoka Sztuki was covered by the media in connection with the case of sexual offences committed by Krystian W. and others, which were also alleged to have taken place on the premises of the club.

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