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    Polish sweets are popular in Singapore

    The Christmas offer of the leading retail chain in Singapore includes Polish sweets. Thanks to the Colian company cooperation with the local PAIH Office (the Polish Investment and Trade Agency), sweets from Poland are available in 50 points of sale throughout the country.

    “The confectionery market in Singapore is fragmented and quite competitive. The leading suppliers are international concerns, but local Asian brands can also be found on store shelves. Chocolate and chocolate products are among the fastest growing market categories, ahead of cereal and energy bars. According to forecasts, their sales in 2025 are to reach USD 241 million.”,

    explains Maja Justyna from the PAIH Foreign Trade Office in Singapore.

    The average Singaporean consumes nearly 11 kg of sweets a year. Thus, the inhabitants of the Asian city-state are among the leading consumers of sweets in the region.

    “Hypermarkets and supermarkets are Singapore’s leading confectionery distribution channel. Therefore, when a Polish producer approached the Singapore PAIH Office, Polish PAIH experts contacted him with the leading network on the market – Cold Storage.”,

    adds Maja Justyna from the PAIH Foreign Trade Office in Singapore.

    In the opinion of Polish PAIH Office, Singapore is a future market with great sales potential for Poland.

    “This is an opportunity for the expansion of our brands in other Asian countries and a very promising export direction with the highest income per capita among the ASEAN countries, open economy and good relations with the EU. European products are perceived there as high-quality products. After a break caused by the pandemic, we returned with an offer to this market and sent the first container of Goplana Crunchy cookies – known in Poland as “Jeżyki”. However, this is only the beginning – the Singaporean client is already interested in expanding the offer with our other products. Polish sweets by Colian are attractive to the foreign food industry and we are very happy about it. Cooperation with Polish PAIH turned out to be fruitful for our business. Thanks to the support of the agency’s Singapore branch, we were able to extend our reach to as many as 50 local points of sale. Expansion, also on the Asian market, is a priority for us.”,

    emphasizes Malwina Przybylska, Senior Key Account Manager Asia & Pacific, Colian.

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