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Resilient Support: Insights from Recent Survey on Agricultural Protests in Poland

Recent surveys conducted for “Rzeczpospolita” reveal that support for agricultural protests remains significantly high, despite the inconveniences they bring to the rest of society, sporadic acts of vandalism, or provocations. According to the survey, farmers enjoy the support of over 72 percent of Poles.

Explaining the statistics, the newspaper reports that 51.6 percent of respondents strongly support the protests, while 21 percent state they rather support them. The findings from the IBRiS survey conducted for “Rzeczpospolita” indicate that only one in ten respondents outright oppose the demonstrations.

The strong support for agricultural protests underscores deeper concerns within Polish society about the direction of national policies, particularly regarding the green transition and its impact on everyday life. As the protests continue and public sentiment remains steadfast, it’s evident that these issues require serious attention and dialogue at both the governmental and societal levels.


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