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Ruling party in Poland failed to keep inflation in check admits Jarosław Kaczyński

Poland’s ruling party, Law and Justice (PiS), has been unable to maintain their promise of keeping inflation in check, according to party leader Jarosław Kaczyński.

Inflation levels in Poland soared to 16.1 per cent in March 2023, reaching their highest peak since the late 1990s. This means that the prices of consumer goods and services have significantly risen year on year.

“When it comes to inflation, we failed,” the ruling party leader admitted at a rally with party supporters in the eastern town of Janów Lubelski on Saturday.

“We have pursued our policies in a well-thought way whose aim was to exit inflation in a way that will not lead to unemployment, to a crisis, to an accelerating mechanism of economic decline,” Kaczyński said.

“We have managed to avoid this and let’s hope that inflation now will be falling month after month and somehow we’ll get out of this without triggering a crisis,” Kaczyński continued.

Despite admitting the failure, Kaczyński said the ruling camp’s policy was the correct one.

“We protected people, including through various tax cuts and all the subsidies.. and today we are close to stating that it has worked, because if what nearly all economists are now predicting (proves correct – ed.), that it will get better month after month, then one can say that we’ve succeeded.”

In March, Poland’s inflation rate was the fourth highest among the 27 EU member states, according to the website.


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