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Sikorski Storms Out of Interview After Question About Wife’s Heritage

In a recent interview on the TVN24 show Kropka nad i, hosted by Monika Olejnik, a question about the heritage of Radosław Sikorski’s wife sparked a tense moment. As the Civic Coalition prepares for internal primaries to select their candidate for the upcoming presidential race, with Warsaw Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski seen as a favorite, Sikorski has remained a prominent contender.

During the interview, Olejnik asked, “Some in Civic Coalition claim the issue is with your wife’s heritage. What would you say to that?” Sikorski responded curtly, stating, “There seems to be a secular tradition that First Ladies should have Jewish origins,” referencing his wife Anne Applebaum’s Jewish heritage.

Immediately after his response, Sikorski stood up and exited the studio. Shortly afterward, he issued a statement on social media, condemning the question as inappropriate and defending Poland against accusations of antisemitism. Sikorski emphasized, “I find it unacceptable to make a candidate’s spouse’s heritage an election issue.”

Anne Applebaum, born in the United States to a Jewish family, became a Polish citizen in 2013. She and Sikorski have two sons and reside in Chobielin.

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