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Tomasz Froelich: Immigration Does Not Bring Positive Effects

“Just look at what happened on January 31 in front of the headquarters of Telewizja Republika. Imagine if such a situation and all previous incidents over the past 15 months of this coalition’s rule had taken place under a PiS or Confederation government. I bet that at the EU level, there would be weekly debates about how the rule of law is being violated in Poland. The European Commission would be constantly issuing statements. Meanwhile, now there is silence. They can do whatever they want. Why? Because they have the entire EU establishment on their side.” – said Tomasz Froelich, a German MEP, in an interview for TV Republika, warning about a potential “Romanian scenario” in Poland’s presidential elections.

A Conversation with Tomasz Froelich – A Pole and a German in One Person, MEP for the Right-Wing Alternative for Germany (AfD)

What is your connection to Poland?

I was born in Hamburg, but my family comes from Poland. Although we had some German roots, they were assimilated Germans. The history of this assimilation dates back to the mid-19th century. My parents always took care to maintain Polish identity in our family.

Can Polish and German patriots create value in Europe?

I hope so. As we see, parties like Civic Platform and their European counterparts (including the German Christian Democrats) have managed to build a broad front, allowing them to do whatever they want in and with Europe.

Just look at what happened on January 31 in front of TV Republika. If such an event had occurred under PiS or Confederation rule, the EU would be in an uproar about the rule of law in Poland. The European Commission would constantly issue statements. Now, however, silence reigns. They can do whatever they want because they have the entire EU establishment behind them.

This is why it is crucial for parties representing patriotic values to cooperate more. It’s not just about forming a common group in the European Parliament but about coordinated actions on current issues. When something happens in Poland, like the events of January 31, all right-wing parties sharing a common political vision should articulate these problems in their respective countries at the EU level. This is not about “snitching” but about preserving freedom of speech, our values, and sovereignty.

The European right has much work to do. Our globalist opponents join forces, and if we don’t want to lose, we must do the same. We share common political goals.

Post-War Germany and the Eradication of Patriotism

The lack of patriotic strength in Europe began after World War II when Germans were stripped of the possibility of being patriotic. Anyone who wanted to express patriotism was immediately labeled a neo-Nazi. This is how Germany’s mainstream media (and there are no other visible ones) attempt to position Alternative for Germany (AfD) as an “extreme right-wing party.”

But what exactly is this extremism supposed to entail? Do we sell Mein Kampf in our party shop? If a party is left-wing or liberal, it is simply called left-wing or liberal. But if it is right-wing, it is immediately labeled “far-right”, regardless of whether it’s Fidesz in Hungary, PiS in Poland, AfD in Germany, VOX in Spain, or Fratelli d’Italia in Italy.

This deliberate linking of “extremism” with right-wing politics is meant to delegitimize it. However, there is nothing inherently wrong with extreme right-wing views, as right-wing ideology is about patriotism, defending values, and a nation’s right to self-determination.

What kind of party is Alternative for Germany (AfD)?

AfD is not a homogeneous party. It includes various groups that previously weren’t organized within any political party but have now joined forces.

  • We have a libertarian wing.
  • A nationalist wing.
  • Typical conservatives.
  • Former CDU conservatives.

What unites us is a shared set of values, criticism of inflation, the economy’s state, uncontrolled migration, and the “woke” ideology. In Poland, this ideology might not yet be as intense, but in Germany, it is, and it has pushed many previously apolitical Germans to take notice.

You can’t watch a football match in Germany today without being subjected to LGBT propaganda—starting with commercials, political messaging, and symbolic acts like rainbow armbands. Previously, it was four years of Black Lives Matter propaganda, and now it’s something else.

People, including the non-political ones, are tired of every aspect of private life being politicized and ideologized.
The propagandists have gone too far, and now people are reacting.

Many are realizing that what the left and liberals claim has little to do with reality.

  • There are not 67 genders.
  • Immigration does not bring positive effects—neither economically, nor in terms of security, nor socially.

Reality is on our side. Leftists are great at theorizing, but when we step outside and see rain falling from above, we know it’s coming from the sky. A leftist, however, will try to theorize that the rain is falling from the ground up—spending enormous intellectual effort only to disconnect from reality.

Immigration Debate and the Political Establishment’s Hypocrisy

On January 31, Germany voted on a minimal restriction on immigration, specifically limiting the number of relatives of refugees allowed into the country (Familiennachzug).

This was just days after an Afghan murdered a two-year-old child in Aschaffenburg and attempted to kill more. Yet the bill failed because some Christian Democrats abstained, fearing that voting like AfD would be perceived as the beginning of fascism in Germany.

This is absurd, and people are getting fed up. AfD is expected to achieve strong election results in two weeks.

Elon Musk and AfD: A Double Standard

When figures from any profession support left-wing or centrist parties, no one cares. But when Elon Musk endorsed AfD, the German political establishment’s alarm bells rang worldwide.

Yet when George Soros interferes in German, European, and Polish affairs—not with a few tweets but with millions or even billions in funding destabilizing entire regions—there is silence.

Similarly, Bill Gates heavily influenced German politics, even appearing in national news viewed by millions, and no one objected. But when Musk posted a few tweets, it was deemed the rise of fascism.

This hypocrisy extends to the Romanian presidential election, where the first-round winner—critical of the establishment—saw the elections annulled. This is the biggest electoral scandal in EU history, yet no one talks about it.

Will Poland Face the Same Scenario?

Given how opposition politicians are persecuted and media outlets have been attacked, could Poland’s presidential elections face a similar precedent? This must be exposed, and I attempted to do so in my speech at the European Parliament because many in Germany believe last year’s Polish elections “restored order” after eight years of dictatorship.

To change this perception, conservative and patriotic forces must work together across Europe.

The Future of Germany and Europe

Germany’s current policies are not in the country’s best interest. The best example is the Green Deal, which has made energy-intensive German industries uncompetitive due to high energy costs.

The upcoming February 23 elections in Germany are as critical as the November 5, 2024, U.S. elections. If AfD succeeds, it could disrupt the establishment and change Europe’s direction towards a nationalist-conservative vision focused on economic prosperity rather than ideological dogma.

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