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[UPDATE] MEP Janina Ochojska slanders the State Forests

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

“She has disgraced herself and will be held accountable. We submit a notification to the Prosecutor’s Office about the possibility of committing a crime by Janina Ochojska for slandering foresters that they secretly buried the bodies of refugees in mass graves near the border with Belarus.”, said Spokesman of the State Forests, Michał Gzowski.

Read the previous article below:

The Minister of Justice and Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro also commented on the case:

“Shocking lies.
Janina Ochojska accuses Polish foresters of burying refugees’ bodies in mass graves.
Even Lukashenka did not come up with this. I instructed the prosecutor’s office to initiate criminal proceedings under Art. 212 § 2 of the Penal Code in connection with a joke.
60 Code of Criminal Procedure This cannot remain unpunished!”

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