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    World Apple Day in Poland: A Look at the Country’s Apple Industry

    Poland marked World Apple Day on September 28th with a special press conference hosted by Secretary of State Rafał Romanowski. The event, held in the orchard of Andrzej Jarosiewicz in Nowe Olszyny, Płońsk County, featured key figures from the agricultural sector. Among them were Małgorzata Gośniowska-Kola, Deputy Director of the National Support Centre for Agriculture (KOWR), and Dr. Dorota Kruczyńska, an expert from the Institute of Horticulture – the State Research Institute in Skierniewice.

    Poland’s Apple Production:
    Poland dominates the European apple market, contributing 35% of the entire EU apple production. Secretary Romanowski emphasized the global significance of Polish apples, constituting 80% of the country’s fruit production. Poland annually produces around 4 million tons of apples across approximately 150,000 hectares of orchards.

    Support for Apple Growers:
    Secretary Romanowski announced record-breaking support for apple growers, allocating PLN 225 million to aid those affected by hurricanes, hail, or frost. The assistance provides PLN 5,000 per hectare for fruit trees and PLN 2,500 per hectare for berry bushes and strawberries. Applications will be accepted from October 5th to 10th, with payouts scheduled for this year.

    Pick Your Own Apples:
    The “Pick Your Own” initiative encourages both growers and consumers to engage in the apple harvest. This experience fosters family adventures while relishing freshly picked fruits, which boast exceptional flavor and nutritional value. The campaign runs until October 31st, 2023.

    School Program:
    The National Support Centre for Agriculture also runs a “School Program,” offering free fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to primary school students. This initiative aims to promote healthy eating habits among children and youth and involves nearly 12,000 educational institutions. KOWR collaborates with 80 suppliers to provide these products.

    Varieties of Polish Apples:
    Poland boasts over 70 registered apple varieties. Some popular ones include Idared, Jonagold, Szampion, Ligol, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious, Gala, Gloster, Lob, and Cortland. Globally, Golden Delicious remains the top choice, followed by Fuji and Delicious, with Gala joining this elite group in recent years.

    World Apple Day serves as a platform to highlight Poland’s significant role in apple production and its efforts to support the industry. The country’s diverse apple varieties and commitment to healthy eating initiatives make it a prominent player in the global apple market.

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