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    Cracow University of Technology created a prototype of a low-budget respirator

    A prototype of a low-budget respirator, not exceeding PLN 1,000, was created by scientists from the Cracow University of Technology. “This is a response to the voices of medics about the lack of specialized equipment. The device passed tests, but is not certified”, the university reported on Tuesday.

    Specialists who tested the device drew attention to its advantages. “We are honestly surprised that in such a short time in a few weeks and at such a low construction cost (maximum PLN 1,000), we managed to make a system that ‘breathes’ and also performs humidification and heating of air, which is necessary for treatment of patients with COVID-19 disease. Such non-commercial devices, which are currently being developed by various teams in Poland, do not have such innovation”, Katarzyna Ciemny from the Children’s University Hospital in Krakow Prokocim assessed. The use of a respirator in medical practice requires above all clinical research and certification, but also further work, including strengthening of the mechanical system. At the moment, designers from the university are planning to publish documentation of the solution under an open license, so that those interested, especially from countries where there is a lack of medical equipment, could use the test platform and the used solutions.

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