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    The Sejm adopted a bill on public aid for companies

    The Sejm adopted an act on granting public aid to rescue or restructure Polish companies. According to the authors of the act, this assistance is to consist of providing entrepreneurs with accounting liquidity for the time needed to develop a restructuring plan or carry out an efficient liquidation.

    MP Krzysztof Tchórzewski (the Law and Justice party – PiS) said that the act is not extemporary and does not result from a coronavirus pandemic, but is a systemic act and was long awaited by the business community. “The Act offers great opportunities for rescuing, restructuring support and restructuring of enterprises in the form of state aid”, Tchórzewski said. He noted that the limit on spending on aid is significant, as it amounts to PLN 1.2 billion for a period of 10 years, calculating from the last quarter of 2020 to 2029. 426 MPs voted in favor of adopting the bill prepared by the government, together with the minority motion adopted earlier by the Sejm, 3 MPs were against, and 25 parliamentarians abstained.

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