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    Deputy Minister Zyska at 9. National Energy Summit OSE Gdansk

    Poland’s energy transformation and the development of renewable energy sources are the main topics of the 9th National Energy Summit – OSE Gdansk 2021. The event, which took place on 21 June 2021, was attended by Deputy Minister of Climate and Environment Ireneusz Zyska.

    During the plenary session “New Polish energy policy: EU priorities vs. Polish Strategic Objectives”, the Deputy Minister of Environment and Climate emphasised that we were at the beginning of the energy transformation process which, over the next 20 years, was to lead to the creation of a new energy system.


    “We strive for green energy to be the driving force of the Polish economy, but at the same time we need a stable basis for our energy mix, i.e., atom,” said Zyska.


    The Deputy Minister also noted that the high dynamics of development of renewable energy sources technology also affects the reduction of its price and increases the universality of its application.


    “The photovoltaic sector stands at the threshold of a golden decade of development. In 2015, we had about 4,000 prosumers. Today there are over 600 thousands of them, which shows the scale of dynamic growth of renewable energy sources in Poland,” he said.


    During the panel “Adaptation strategies of energy groups to new market trends and technological transitions”, Deputy Minister Ireneusz Zyska also stressed that the Ministry of Climate and Environment should protect the consumer market in terms of energy prices, but also had a duty to ensure the stability of supplies and security of the energy system.


    During the opening of the 9th National Energy Summit – OSE Gdansk 2021, Deputy Minister Ireneusz Zyska received, on behalf of the Minister of Climate and Environment, Michał Kurtyka, the award “Amber of the Polish Energy Sector 2021” in the institution category. The award was granted to the Ministry for its effective and consistent efforts to create a sustainable, modern energy sector in Poland based on renewable energy sources and nuclear energy, to reduce the sector’s carbon footprint, as reflected in the National Energy Policy until 2040.


    “This award is a special distinction for us and a motivation for further activities to ensure national energy security with the use of new zero-emission technologies,” he stressed.

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