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    PKP Cargo Faces Union Backlash Over Mass Layoffs

    The leadership of PKP Cargo has come under fire for its decision to proceed with mass layoffs without a comprehensive recovery plan. Leszek Miętek, President of the Union of Railway Engine Drivers in Poland, criticized the move, asserting it unfairly targets employees.

    Lack of Recovery Plan

    Miętek emphasized the necessity of a well-structured recovery plan to accompany any workforce restructuring. He stated that without such a plan, the layoffs appear to be a punitive measure against workers rather than a step toward genuine recovery. The management has not introduced any new strategic changes, retaining the same executives responsible for the company’s current plight.

    Impact on Operations

    Highlighting the operational impact, Miętek revealed that 80% of those facing job cuts are operational staff, with only 20% being administrative. This, he argued, would severely hinder PKP Cargo’s ability to meet client demands promptly.

    Union’s Stance

    The union stands firm against the layoffs, demanding a solid recovery strategy before any further actions are taken. Miętek criticized the management’s lack of expertise in crafting a viable recovery plan, calling into question the leadership’s approach and effectiveness.

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