"Polish Police officers are at the border. We don’t allow it to be forced through," the uniformed officers tweeted. A video, taken after dark showing a group of police officers maintaining their emergency readiness, was attached to the post.
Amir, a native of Kazahstan, made it to the podium at the Red Bull BC One World Finals, while Logistx, an American, won among the women. The biggest event in the world of breaking had its culmination in Poland, where 16 of the best b-boys and b-girls competed on Saturday (6 November 2021). Among them were our compatriots Paulina and Thomaz. The audience in Ergo Arena, however, spontaneously cheered each of the world's finalists, and they returned the favour with a thrilling rivalry. A rebroadcast of the event is available online.
The flora of Polesie National Park is one of its main attractions. The most characteristic and valuable elements are the vast turf lands, which distinguish this area from all other national parks in Poland.
Eurocrats like to reprimand and admonish Poland, although they often do not know the history or the current situation in our country. A Dutch journalist who has recently visited Poland comes to help. - Poles fought fiercely for their freedom and independence, so if politicians such as Sophie in 't Veld (a Dutch MEP - ed.) now come to teach them about freedom, it only works oppositely," he assessed.
Fragments of pottery vessels, flint tools, and bone remains were discovered in Jordan by archaeologists from the Jagiellonian University under megaliths dating back to about 5,000 years. Perhaps they were not only burial places for community members but also designated a ritual space, researchers believe.
The PGE Foundation supported the production of replicas of gas lanterns at the Stare Powązki cemetery in Warsaw. The lanterns will be made according to the pattern from 1856.
The increased fuel price at wholesalers may result in stabilized prices at petrol stations, according to BM Reflex analysts. According to e-Petrol analysts, in the second week of November drivers can expect new - higher price lists at distributors.
The second edition of the Academy of Patriotism is slowly coming to an end. This year, it took off a little later due to problems related to the coronavirus pandemic. The 6th, the last convention takes place on Friday, November 5, during which the project's students will be presented with diplomas. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawicki will probably be the guest of honour at the convention. The organizer of the Academy is the Władysław Grabski Center, and a strategic partner is KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
An interesting image of Poles emerges from the notes of foreigners travelling around the territory of the First Republic of Poland - they found many positive features of Poles, such as hospitality or, interestingly, knowledge of foreign languages, but there were also noticeable, among others, violent character and honour-oversensitivity.
Integration of the government, local government, and science in supporting Polish enterprises investing in green technologies is the theme of the third and last day of the ESG Congress - Polish Power of Business. "Energy transformation is a fact, but the coming years will determine whether it will contribute to the promotion of our economy to the first league of global innovation leaders," representatives of the Polish Development Fund (PFR) and the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) argued during a meeting with the media.
33 internships, over 20 partners, 7 days of workshops, 9 mentors, nearly 100 new winners - this is the shortest summary of the currently ending 6th edition of the "Go4Poland - Wybierz Polskę!" (Go4Poland – Chose Poland!) program addressed by the WSE Foundation to the most talented Poles studying abroad.
As part of the PGE Group's (Polish Energy Group) program "Lasy Pełne Energii" (Forests Full of Energy), PGE allocated funds for the installation of a photovoltaic installation in the Świętokrzyski National Park.
The International Festival of I.J. Paderewski is a cyclical cultural event dedicated to the memory of one of the most outstanding Polish pianists, composers, and independence activists. This year, the 8th, unique edition of the festival will take place, related to the 80th anniversary of Paderewski's death. The event takes place on November 3-13 in Warsaw. PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Polish Energy Group) has become a partner of the festival.
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. has launched the Southern Section of its Iron Bridge Mining Waste Disposal Facility. This is the largest investment by KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. since 2018.
"11 of the last 14 years were record warm, the Arctic ice cap is shrinking, last year's crazy oil and food prices gave an earnest of chaos," on the Greenpeace website was written. This is how, before the climate summit, activists warned politicians that in a decade or so they would be ashamed for not acting.
Qualifications for the event, which will take place on Saturday (6th November 2021) in Ergo Arena in Gdańsk, took place in over 30 countries. Poland is the host of the World Final of the most prestigious breakdance competition. 18. edition of Red Bull BC One will attract the best of the discipline to our country.