The appeal for Orlen’s boycott, which hires 20 thousand employers, is extremely irresponsible – emphasised the Member of the European Parliament of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) Beata Mazurek. According to her, Adam Szłapka’s post that ‘he does not buy on Orlen’ presents that ‘there are no limits to the disrepute and stupidy of the total opposition’.
‘This Next Generation EU fund is not a gift; it is not manna from heaven. It is not a present for Christmas. This is what we are legally entitled to. We have to stand together, to fight for our law’, said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Polsat News.
The acquisition of Polska Press by Orlen Group is a business decision – assessed the Vice-chief of the Chancellery of the President Paweł Mucha. It is an information management issue, the organisation of some media strategy. (...) It is also the context of strengthening of Polish international capital. It is strengthening of Polish economy pillars – he added.
The mechanism of the rule of law is a violation of the rule of law from the German presidency – assessed Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Marcin Horała in today’s program ‘Polityczna Kawa’ in Republika TV. Editor-in-chief Tomasz Sakiewicz together with the politician of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) and Senator of Polish People’s Party (PSL) discussed the Next Generation EU fund.
In the new Lithuanian government, there will be a Pole, Ewelina Dobrowolska. She is going to become the new Minister of Justice. Dobrowolska is a lawyer and well-known civil rights defender.
This year’s ‘Barbórka’ is different than the previous ones because of COVID-19 pandemic. 4th of December is a traditional miners’ celebration day. This is a day of Saint Barbara. Nobody forgets about the miner’s effort, so let’s find out some trivia about miner’s uniform.
Let’s help and see those who need our help but rarely ask for it; don’t be afraid of disability – appealed the presidential couple Andrzej Duda and Agata Kornhauser-Duda on the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
Germans are blackmailing us, they are blackmailing Poland, they are changing the rules of the game, they are changing the rules of the July agreement - said today the Deputy Minister of State Assets Janusz Kowalski. The politician also turned to the members of the opposition: Are you so cynical, or you just don’t understand it?
We have to talk with Portugal which starts its presidency in four weeks. We should not waste time talking with the German presidency. European Commission has started working on the twelfth system because it is obvious that there will not be an agreement in December this year. Then, Slovenia will begin its presidency. Prime Minister of Slovenia Janez Janša supported Polish-Hungarian veto – said Member of the European Parliament Jacek Saryusz-Wolski in program #Jedziemy on TVP Info. He was a guest of editor Michał Rachoń.
New regulation answers all the questions concerning the order on covering the nose and mouth. For me, it is obvious that such an order exists – said dr Mariusz Filipek of Faculty of Law and Administration of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS).
The fake news’ campaign concerning medical staff’s salaries, which is led by the opposition, is misplaced – wrote Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Sunday on his Facebook’s profile.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced today (27 Nov 2020) that the joint decision of Poland and Hungary concerning EU budget is tough as concrete and the agreement is possible but only if economic issues are not connected with political ones.
According to scientists, restaurants, cafes and fitness clubs are the places where people stay for a long time in close contact and usually get infected. Those places are responsible for spreading the coronavirus. The complicated computer simulation was constructed by the University of Stanford’s team. Scientists constructed the model which precisely predicts the further expansion of the pandemic.
‘I am surprised that President of the European Commission does not know the Treaties which regulate the European Commission’s work. These treaties prejudge that CJEU is not competent to assess the rule of law mechanisms’ – responded the Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro to Ursula von der Layen’s proposition.
The mechanism concerning the rule of law is an obvious attempt to break the original EU law, to break the Treaty about European Union – said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zbigniew Rau. He emphasised the unambiguous objection to the proposed mechanism.
On Saturday, the Minister of Health announced screenings in three voivodeships – Silesia, Malopolska and Podkarpackie. How will the screenings look like? The Minister of Health emphasised that he would decide in that week. ‘We have two ideas about it’ – said Adam Niedzielski.
‘So European Commission’s bureaucrats confirmed in writing. There is no definition of the rule of law in the European Union’s documents. The issue of the rule of law does not belong to EU level’ – wrote the Member of the European Parliament, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs on his Twitter account. He also attached the Commission’s reply for his parliamentary interpellation concerning the rule of law.
Conscience tells me that without the interpretation of the rule of law Poland might be controlled from the outside and I don’t want it – said the Member of Polish Parliament Paweł Kukiz from the Polish Coalition who together with four others MPs voted differently than the club.