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    Jarosław Kaczyński Outlines Vision for Poland’s Future at PiS Party Congress

    Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of Poland’s ruling conservative party, Law and Justice (PiS), delivered a resolute message outlining his vision for Poland’s future during a party election congress held in Końskie, central Poland, this past Saturday.

    In his address, Kaczyński emphasized the importance of the path his party was forging for Poland, one that aimed to distance the nation from its turbulent history and create a new, robust Poland in every aspect. “We’re facing new, great tasks, but we have taken very many steps on the path leading towards the final rejection of the bad past and building a completely different, new Poland, strong in every sense,” stated Kaczyński.

    Highlighting Poland’s need to bolster its military, economic, social, and energy security, Kaczyński asserted that such security was paramount and valued the government’s role in ensuring it. He spoke of the pillars that underpinned this vision, stating, “Family, nation, freedom, justice, equality – all can be achieved, can become a fact if there is security.”

    Kaczyński also underscored the significance of ensuring the availability of cash, vowing that his government would not allow it to be phased out. He argued that “lack of cash means a very difficult situation in times of crises and attacks,” emphasizing the potential vulnerability of a cashless society.

    The role of coal in Poland’s energy landscape was another key topic, with Kaczyński asserting its importance amid the nation’s expected transition toward more climate-neutral sources. He advocated for maintaining coal as a foundation of Poland’s energy security while concurrently investing heavily in nuclear and green energy options.

    In Kaczyński’s forward-looking vision for the coming decades, he envisaged Poland evolving into a heavyweight nation characterized by robust economic growth and a super-modern economy fueled by the ingenuity of its people.

    Addressing a contentious issue, Kaczyński affirmed his party’s unwavering stance on abortion, asserting, “We’re also rejecting this attack on the defenseless while keeping in mind that a pregnant woman, a woman giving birth, has the full right to life and health.”

    Among the PiS party’s proposals leading up to the upcoming general election on October 15th, Kaczyński unveiled plans for tenure pensions. Under this proposal, men would be eligible to retire after 43 years of work, irrespective of their age, while women would have the option to do so after 38 years of employment.


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