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Monarchs of Poland series: Bezprym of Poland – A Controversial Ruler of the 11th Century

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Explore the tumultuous reign of Bezprym, the Polish ruler of the 11th century, known for his despotic and brutal governance, leading to opposition and ultimately his downfall.

Bezprym, the son of Bolesław I Chrobry and his second wife, Emnilda, held the reigns of power in Poland during 1031-1032. However, his rule was short-lived and marred by controversy. Often regarded as one of the worst rulers in Polish history, Bezprym’s dominion was marked by despotism and brutality.

During his brief tenure, Bezprym’s policies focused on repressing noble families and the clergy, as well as exploiting the populace through excessive taxation. These actions stirred widespread opposition and discontent within the country. Ultimately, Bezprym was overthrown by his brother, Mieszko II, who assumed full control over Poland.

Following his ousting, Bezprym was imprisoned by Mieszko II and died under mysterious circumstances in 1032. His reign is remembered as a period of destabilization and chaos in Polish history.

In conclusion, Bezprym’s rule as the ruler of Poland during the 11th century left a controversial legacy. His despotic methods and oppressive policies triggered opposition and led to his eventual downfall, marking a turbulent era in Polish history.

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