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    New Lake Emerges in Olsztyn Due to Heavy Rainfall

    Heavy rains reveal Płociduga Duża lake in Olsztyn, a historic wetland that may soon disappear again.

    Historic Lake Reappears

    Olsztyn has witnessed the reemergence of a lake, Płociduga Duża, after several decades. The lake, drained in the 19th century for pasture land, had left only a reed bed in its place. Recent heavy rains have increased the water level in the Łyna River, and beavers have breached the flood defenses, allowing the river to refill the old lake bed.

    Expert Opinions

    Professor Stanisław Czachorowski from the University of Warmia and Mazury notes that while the lake’s temporary appearance is environmentally beneficial, it is expected to vanish as the water levels drop. Professor Jolanta Grochowska adds that a blocked drainage system also contributed to the lake’s formation. Despite this, experts agree that such natural occurrences offer significant ecological benefits.

    Impact on Local Infrastructure

    The rising waters have also affected local infrastructure, including the Łynostrada bike path, which has been temporarily closed. The city authorities plan repairs once water levels subside.

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