Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the PGE Management Board comments on the settlement in favour of PGE in the proceedings concerning a new location permit (PSZW) for offshore wind farms in the Development Area 45.E.1.

“PGE is the leader of offshore wind energy in Poland, achieving more than 7.3 GW of offshore capacity and exceeding the strategic goal of 6.5 GW of capacity built in the Baltic Sea set for 2040. We are consistently working on the comprehensive development of current and new offshore wind projects. The acquisition of another new area will enable us to achieve this. New areas will be reflected in the update of the PGE Group strategy”,
says Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna.
“Poland needs new generation capacities of its own in order to be able to limit the growth of electricity costs and, consequently, to reduce electricity bills for consumers in the coming years. That is why we are investing in renewable energy sources, including wind farms in the Baltic Sea. Energy from offshore wind farms will be cheaper, as its generation does not involve paying for CO2 emissions. In this respect, decisions on location permits for new offshore wind farms are extremely important to us, as they will allow the PGE Group to realise its strategic goals and strengthen Poland’s energy security.”,
adds Wojciech Dąbrowski.
The PGE Group and Ørsted applied jointly and scored the most points in the proceedings for area 45.E.1. The location is directly adjacent to the area where PGE and Ørsted run the Baltica 2 project. PGE will be able to build an additional 210 MW on the new area together with its partner. The area is approximately 17 sq. km in size and is located approx. 32 km from the coast.
Including the previous PSZW settlements, although not yet final, PGE will be able to build an additional approximately 3.9 GW on the acquired areas, reaching a total of more than 7.3 GW of capacity and exceeding the strategic goal of 6.5 GW of capacity built in the Baltic set for 2040. In the adjudication of the new permits to date, the PGE Group has scored the most points in five of the eight proceedings in which it has participated.