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    Ruling coalition hanging by a thread

    The conflict inside the ruling coalition continues. At this point no one can be certain what will happen in the next several days. According to some theories, the coalition will be reformed without the current Minister of Justice, Zbigniew Ziobro. Another scenario predicts that the leader of the ruling Law and Justice party, Jarosław Kaczyński would become Prime Minister. Nonetheless, everything points to the fact that the United Right’s future will be decided next week.

    The fate of the United Right coalition is hanging on a thread. The leader of the Law and Justice party Jarosław Kaczyński suspended the coalition talks regarding the reconstruction of the government. Meanwhile, the head of the parliamentary club of the ruling party, Ryszard Terlecki warned that if early parliamentary elections do take place, the Law and Justice would run without its coalitionists. The conflict ignited when Zbigniew Ziobro, the minister of justice and leader of United Poland, as well as Jarosław Gowin, the leader of the Agreement party and their MPs did not support the animal protection bill called “Five for animals”. According to political commentators, early elections could mean that the Civic Coalition and liberal parties could take over power in the country. 

    “There are only two ways out of this. First, for the two sides to reach a compromise and somehow make it to the end of their term of office, and second a minority government – early elections.” said prof. Kazimierz Kik, a political scientist. 

    “Opinion polls show that Hołownia would definitely form a coalition with the Civic Platform and gain a majority in the Sejm. Early elections wouldn’t necessarily mean that the Law and Justice party would rule on its own, on the contrary, it would be to give away power.” followed columnist dr Krzysztof Karnkowski.

    According to prof. Kazimierz Kik, personal ambitions of the leaders of the United Poland and Agreement parties are the reason behind the current conflict. 

    “It is a pretext, an instrument used by Ziobro and Gowin for their political goals. The main reasons are internal disagreements, individual aspirations of the leaders and their opposition to the ruling party.” added Kik.

    Political commentators wonder what president Duda’s role will be in calming the storm which has been brewing up in the ruling camp. 

    “I don’t think he will become a mediator, he doesn’t need this conflict on his hands. Besides, while Gowin and Kaczyński probably wouldn’t mind president Duda as a mediator, Zbigniew Ziobro absolutely hates him. I think he’d say that Duda is too biased and that he would be happy to throw Ziobro out of the coalition.” stated Mirosław Skowron, a columnist for “Super Express”.

    The next few days will decide whether the United Right manages to stay together. Many scenarios are being discussed as of now. Adam Bielan, a politician of the Agreement party, suggested that Jarosław Kaczyński should become the prime minister of Poland. 








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