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    Polish ambassador disappointed with German proposal

    Most factions in the Bundestag are calling on the government to create a memorial site for Polish victims of German crimes in Berlin, one newspaper informs.

    As we read in the daily “Rzeczpospolita”, the final decision in this matter is to be made on Friday at the meeting of the Bundestag. “The place is already waiting in the very center of Berlin, near the ruins of the Anhalter station” – the newspaper emphasizes. “It is an independent initiative of German civil society, which was created in dialogue with Poland. It is important that a separate place devoted to Poland is being created.” prof. Dieter Bingen, until recently a longtime head of the German Institute of Polish Affairs, involved in the project from the very beginning, emphasizes. The Polish ambassador to Berlin, Andrzej Przyłębski, does not hide his disappointment. “I understand that it will be a separate building in which the centuries-old history of Polish-German relations will be presented, taking into account the six years of occupation as one of the elements of the whole.” he says to Rzeczpospolita. “A specific concept is yet to be created” – the newspaper reports.

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