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    Ruling party loses support show opinion polls

    Following the recent spike in coronavirus infections and the protests against the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal which tightened the abortion law in Poland, the latest opinion polls show that there has been a drop in support for the ruling Law and Justice party, with little increase for the opposition. The governing United Right coalition needs to think of some way to recover the support before the parliamentary elections in 2023.

    Only 31 percent of the voters expressed their support for the Law and Justice party. It is a loss of around 10 percentage points compared to the previous opinion polls. In turn, the Civic Coalition could count on just above 25% of the votes, which is a rise by 2 percentage points. Poland 2050 led by Szymon Hołownia would gather almost 15%. He would be followed by the Left party – with the support of 6%. The Confederation party and Polish Coalition would not enter the Sejm if the vote had taken place last Sunday.

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