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    Women's protests continue in Poland

    Protests following the recent ruling of the Constitional Tribunal which limits abortion in Poland are continuing on the streets of Polish cities as are attacks on senior politicians from the United Right government. Yesterday, during one demonstration, protesters threw meat in front of the headquarters of the Ministry of Education, among others.

    “If teachers, during lessons, tried to persuade students to participate in protests, then they were teaching beyond the core curriculum. Lessons are not a good time to convince students to take part in protests. Lessons are a time to carry out the core curriculum. In these kinds of situations, the pedagogic supervision is obliged to take action in accordance with the educational law.” said Minister Czarnek in an interview for Polish Radio 24.

    Minister Czarnek was the main target of the aggression of the latest protests. The police had to intervene. 

    Protesters demand the dismissal of the Minister of Education and accuse him of indoctrinating youth in schools. According to the protesters, Czarnek threatened teachers who took part in recent protests caused by the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal. 

    Massive protests across Poland have been continuing since October 22nd. The main organizer of the protest is the Polish Women’s Strike.


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