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    Polish ski jumper Kamil Stoch wins second place in Oberstdorf!

    Ski jumping is one of the most popular winter sports in Poland. Aside from the Olympics, the Four Hills Tournament is one of the most prestigious ski jumping events there is. So it was a blow yesterday when the Polish team was excluded from the competition after one of the contestants tested positive for the coronavirus. However, today Polish ski jumper Kamil Stoch came second in the competition in Oberstdorf.


    The German Department of Epidemiology Research has decided to exclude the Polish Ski jumping team after one of the contestants, Klemens Murańko, tested positive for the coronavirus. However, the second test for the presence of the coronavirus was negative. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, and Deputy Prime Minister and Sports Minister Piotr Gliński have commented on the matter. Polish diplomats decided to intervene as well. 

    “The result of another test for the presence of the coronavirus will be crucial. We were tested this morning and we received negative results.” stated the coach of the Polish national team, Michał Doleżal. 

    The physiotherapist of the German national Ski jumping team tested positive for the coronavirus as well. However, his result did not bring any consequences. 

    “I don’t think they had bad intentions, I think the chaos in the organization and a lack of communication was the problem there.” commented Jan Winkiel, the secretary of the Polish Ski Association. 

    The entire Polish Ski jumping team had to test for the presence of the virus on Tuesday morning. All contestants received negative test results and therefore were able to take part in the competition.

    Kamil Stoch, a three-times Olympic gold medalist, finished second today in Oberstdorf. He ended up only 2.8 points behind Karl Geiger from Germany, who won the competition inaugurating the 69th edition of the Four Hills Tournament. 

    The Four Hills Tournament is a ski jumping event composed of four World Cup events and has taken place in Germany and Austria each year since 1953. All Poles are keeping their fingers crossed for the Polish Ski jumping team.

    Congratulations Kamil!  

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