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    Poland sent the National Reconstruction Plan to the EC

    Poland submitted the preliminary draft of the National Reconstruction Plan (NRP) to the European Commission – the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU reported to PAP (Polish Press Agency). On Monday, the Polish ambassador to the EU, Andrzej Sadoś, talked about it with representatives of the European Commission.

    On Monday, the Permanent Representative of Poland to the EU, Andrzej Sadoś, hosted a meeting of the Visegrad Group countries and Slovenia with Céline Gauer, head of the task force for reconstruction and resilience of the European Commission and Maarten Verwey, EC Director General for Economic and Financial Affairs. The talks focused on economic recovery in the EU and national reconstruction plans.

    Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said that the assumptions of the NRP make it a plan to rebuild after the crisis and a plan of rebuilding of the Polish economy.

    “We still want to strengthen the economy weakened during the crisis, but at the same time we have to think about the challenges that await us in the perspective of 5 or 10 years,” he said.

    Government spokesman Piotr Müller emphasized that a total of nearly PLN 770 billion will flow to Poland within the EU funds – as part of the “classic” European budget and the Recovery and Resilience Facility. He emphasized that this was a record amount that Poland would receive from the beginning of its membership in the EU.


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