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    Important information for Ukrainians. What does the new draft law imply?

    The government wants to help Ukrainian citizens who are in Poland in connection with Russia’s military aggression. The Council of Ministers approved the draft law on assistance to Ukrainian citizens concerning armed conflicts in the territory of Ukraine, submitted by the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration. Among other things, it is about being able to work in our country to ensure health care and access to education. Thanks to the new legislation, Ukrainian citizens can stay legally in Poland for 18 months. Financial support is also provided to those who have taken in Ukrainian citizens

    On 24 February 2022, Russia has attacked Ukraine. As a result, Poland has already admitted more than 1 million war refugees. The government has prepared laws to allow people fleeing the war to reside legally and safely in our country.


    There are already 30 reception centres in Poland, which have been set up in cooperation with municipalities and non-governmental organisations for people fleeing from Ukraine due to the war. You will receive information about your stay, basic medical care, a place of refuge, a meal and the supply of necessary personal belongings.


    Legitimate residence on the territory of Poland


    Ukrainian citizens, who have left their homeland due to Russian aggression, can stay legally in Poland for 18 months. This applies to those who have come to Poland directly from Ukraine and have expressed their intention to remain on the territory of our country.


    A path was also provided for further legalisation of the residence of Ukrainian citizens who had fled the war. Temporary residence permits are issued to persons who have been or had been legally resident on Polish territory. It shall be granted once for three years from the date of the decision.


    According to the law, Ukrainian citizens who came to Poland in connection with the war are assigned a PESEL number. This solution will allow the provision of a range of public services to these people. To this end, a special procedure is foreseen for obtaining a social security number, with a catalogue of basic data on request. This is an informal procedure for obtaining a PESEL number without having to prove a legal basis.


    To facilitate access to public online services, provision is made for Ukrainian citizens to obtain a trustworthy profile by issuing a PESEL number.


    Obtaining a PESEL number for Ukrainian citizens does not affect the acquisition of Polish citizenship.


    Access to the labour market


    Access of Ukrainian citizens to the Polish labour market and registration with the District Labour Office is ensured.


    To take advantage of this solution, the employer must inform the competent employment office within 7 days via that the work has been assigned to a foreigner.


    Ukrainian citizens will also be able to use services such as job placement, career guidance and training in the labour market, on the same principles as Polish citizens. 


    Social assistance and subsistence support


    Support for the Ukrainian population by voivodes and municipalities is planned. This may include accommodation or the provision of full-day communal meals.


    Any legal entity, in particular an individual, providing accommodation and food to Ukrainian citizens fleeing from the war, may receive benefits based on a contract concluded with the municipality. This benefit may be paid for a maximum of 60 days and is determined by a regulation of the Council of Ministers. It is expected that it will be 40 PLN per day, i.e., about 1200 PLN per month.


    Citizens of Ukraine may apply for a one-time living allowance of 300 PLN per person. This concerns, in particular, expenditure on food, clothing, footwear, toiletries and housing charges.


    The Food Aid Operational Programme 2014-2020, co-financed by the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived, also provides aid in the form of food packages or meals.


    Family benefits


    Ukrainian citizens fleeing the war will have the right to work in Poland. This leads to access to social benefits or subsidies to reduce the parental contribution for the child’s stay in a nursery, a children’s club or a day-care worker.


    Health care


    Every Ukrainian citizen legally residing in Poland is guaranteed access to the public health system on the same terms as Polish citizens.


    The National Health Fund pays for each medical service for a Ukrainian citizen in the public health system. These benefits are financed from the State budget.


    Education and training


    Provision shall be made for the education and upbringing of children or pupils who are Ukrainian citizens being subject to the law. For this purpose, additional teaching, education and care facilities may be set up which are organizationally subordinate to the schools or kindergartens.


    The government will provide additional funds from the state budget for the education of Ukrainian students.


    Ukrainian students, who fled the war, can continue their education at Polish universities.

    An aid fund shall be set up. This appropriation is intended in particular to finance or subsidise tasks related to the support of Ukrainian citizens.


    The new rules are expected to enter into force on the day of publication in the Official Journal and will in principle apply retroactively from 24 February 2022.

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