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    Local Government Day Celebrated at Presidential Palace

    On Friday, President Andrzej Duda welcomed local government officials from all political backgrounds to the gardens of the Presidential Palace. The occasion marked the celebration of Local Government Day, with a special focus on the youngest councilors who recently assumed office after the April local elections, as well as seasoned veterans. President Duda acknowledged the significant contributions of these officials to the development of their communities and the nation, noting the transformative changes in Poland since the end of Soviet rule 34 years ago.

    Recognition of Contributions

    President Duda extended his gratitude to the local leaders for their tireless efforts, particularly highlighting their support for Ukrainian neighbors fleeing the war. He emphasized the crucial role of their ongoing service, stating, “Every local community is part of our great homeland – Poland.” The ceremony saw the participation of Deputy Head of the Chancellery of the President, Piotr Ćwik, and Secretary of State, Wojciech Kolarski. State decorations were awarded for outstanding achievements in local government activities.

    The festivities also included a special session of the National Development Council’s Local Government Affairs Council. Local Government Day, celebrated on May 27, is a national holiday established by the Polish Parliament on June 29, 2000. It commemorates the 10th anniversary of the first fully democratic local elections in post-war Poland, held in 1990, which were pivotal in the country’s democratic transition.

    Looking Ahead

    As President Duda called for continued dedication from local officials, he highlighted the indispensable nature of their work for Poland’s future. His remarks underscored the enduring importance of local governance in shaping the nation’s progress and supporting its citizens, both domestically and internationally.

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