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    Matura Results Announced: How Did This Year’s Students Fare?

    The Central Examination Commission (CKE) has released the preliminary results for this year’s matura exams, with 84.1% of secondary school graduates passing. An additional 10.4% of students, who failed one subject, are eligible for a retake in August. Among general secondary school graduates, 88.6% passed their exams, while in technical schools, 78.1% succeeded. However, only 17.4% of second-level vocational school graduates passed, highlighting a significant disparity in performance.

    Exam results varied by subject, with Polish having a 95% pass rate and mathematics 89%. English, the most popular foreign language, saw a 96% pass rate. Other foreign languages also fared well, with French at 97%, Spanish at 95%, Italian at 93%, Russian at 87%, and German at 85%. These high pass rates reflect strong language skills among this year’s graduates.

    In terms of average scores, students achieved 61% in Polish and 63% in mathematics at the basic level. English averaged 78%, French 80%, Spanish 77%, German 56%, Russian 67%, and Italian 74%. These scores show general secondary school students outperforming their technical school counterparts across most subjects.

    A total of 245,966 graduates took the exams in May, including 229 Ukrainian citizens, with 77.7% of them passing. Additionally, 1,275 top-performing students in subject-specific Olympiads were exempt from the exams, securing the highest scores automatically. This year’s matura results paint a detailed picture of the academic strengths and challenges faced by students across different school types and subjects.

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