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    Polish Opposition Leader Calls for Transitional Government and New Elections Amid Constitutional Crisis

    In a declaration from Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of Poland’s principal opposition party, Law and Justice (PiS), the political landscape in Poland is perceived to be at a critical juncture. Kaczynski emphatically stated that the nation is grappling with an extraordinary crisis that, in his view, can only be resolved through the establishment of an interim government and the subsequent calling of new elections.

    During a press briefing in the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish Parliament, Kaczynski portrayed the current state of affairs as a constitutional emergency. “The constitution has practically ceased to be binding,” he claimed, underscoring the severity of the situation as he perceives it. His proposed solution? “A transition period, of course with a new government, and then elections. There’s no other way to resolve it.”

    This statement comes amidst escalating tensions between the PiS and Poland’s current administration. The recent period has seen a series of confrontations that highlight the deepening divide in Polish politics.

    The Law and Justice Party has been vocal in its criticism, accusing the ruling government of actions that threaten the pillars of democracy. Conversely, the government counters these allegations by asserting that its initiatives are aimed at what they call “restoring the rule of law in Poland,” following what it describes as eight years of PiS governance that “deviated from democratic principles.”

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