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    Warsaw police criticised for clashes with protesters of the Women's Strike

    Tensions are running high between the police and the protesters during the Nationwide Women’s Strike. According to many political commentators, instead of helping and solving problems, Polish politicians are instead creating more chaos. The editor-in-chief of ‘Gazeta Polska, Tomasz Sakiewicz had this to say on the matter.

    “I don’t think that police officers are angels. Let’s have a look at the French and German police. In these countries, no police officer messes around with the demonstrators and simply beats them. Sometimes they beat innocent people who do not resist and fight back. Sometimes it is enough to just sit in the middle of a square for the police to use tear gas and police batons against you. However, firstly, our police warn a hundred times, then they apologize and push aside. If someone hits a policeman, then the police try to defend themselves. And at the end, they arrest the people who are the most aggressive.” said Sakiewicz.  

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