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    Minister Kurtyka: The Czech side rejected an offer that would have protected the interests of the local community

    “We came to Prague with a very good offer that contained concrete amounts and solutions for the people of the Liberec Region. They would allow for a long-term defusing of the dispute with our southern neighbors and would also strengthen environmental security in the region. Our rational proposal was met with escalating demands from the Czech side,” said Minister of Climate and Environment Michał Kurtyka on 30 September 2021.

    Minister Kurtyka pointed out that the offer, which was given to the Czech side, is the best proof of the goodwill of the Poles and their willingness to defuse the dispute between the two countries. As he pointed out, it was constructed in such a way as to protect the current and future interests of the Liberec Region inhabitants neighboring the Turów KWB areas.


    “Our offer contained concrete amounts that we wanted to allocate for the implementation of projects in the Liberec Region, primarily related to the construction of water management infrastructure. In it, we also outlined our proposed commitments to strengthen monitoring of the Mine’s impact on dust emissions, noise generation, and groundwater impacts. We also offered to strengthen the cooperation of the competent services of both countries in this field and to establish a path of action in case of exceeding the applicable standards,” he explained.


    As the Minister for Climate and Environment underlined, the proposal submitted to the Czech side was an above-standard response to its expectations.


    “The biggest loser of today’s decision to reject the bid is the local community on both sides of the border,” he pointed out.


    Read more about the situation:

    – “You will not extinguish Poland”

    – Head of the “GP” Clubs: it’s time to start protesting against the idiotic moves of the CJEU

    – Poland cannot close down the mine in Turów

    – “We’ll go to Luxembourg” Turów trade unionists against CJEU decision

    – Piotr Muller: The Polish government will not close the KWB Turów Mine


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