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    Wrocław police evacuated two elderly people from a heavily smoke-filled house

    Wrocław policemen without a moment’s hesitation took action and even before the arrival of the fire brigade, they evacuated two elderly people from a heavily smoke-filled house.

    One of the evacuated elders used a wheelchair and needed full care. Because every minute was of great importance for the lives of the residents, the officers acted quickly and took a woman and a man, aged 82 and 89, out of the house.

    It turned out later that after the action, the officers needed medical help too. A total of three people, including two police officers, were hospitalized with symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, but thanks to their attitude, no one died.

    Protasiewicz Claims ‘Kierwiński was as Drunk as a Messerschmitt,’ Cites Alcohol-Fueled Party Culture

    Former Lower Silesian Vice-Voivode Jacek Protasiewicz has made headlines with a series of contentious remarks on social media, targeting current Minister of Internal Affairs...