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    Date of the presidential elections will be announced in 14 days

    The Act to annul the presidential elections of May 10th because of the coronavirus, written three weeks ago by the National Electoral Commission, has finally been published in the Law Gazette. This means that the Speaker of Sejm now has 14 days to announce the new date of the elections. The head of the Prime Minister’s chancellery, Michał Dworczyk, commented on this today during an interview on Polish Radio’s Programme One.

    “We took some legal advice whether it was okay to publish and we received a green light from our attorneys, that is why we published the Act. As we stressed earlier, we wanted to make sure that such an Act, under these peculiar circumstances, is perfectly legal. From this point on, the Speaker of the Sejm has 14 days to announce the date of the elections. What the date will be of course depends on Speaker Elżbieta Witek. Will the publishing of the Act speed up the work of the Senate? I doubt it, although I hope it will. Unfortunately, the opposition controlled Senate is more focused on their own political goals than on the quick, effective conduct of presidential elections”, stated Michał Dworczyk.

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