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    Demolition at the gas station. The 37-year-old was under the influence of drugs

    The 37-year-old was under the influence of drugs when she drove into a gas station building in Rymań. ‘This is according to preliminary chemical and toxicological tests, which were received by the police in Kołobrzeg,’ informed Ryszard Gąsiorowski, spokesman of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Koszalin.

    As reported by the prosecutor Gąsiorowski, the District Police Headquarters in Kołobrzeg received preliminary results of chemical and toxicological tests from blood taken from 37-year-old Katarzyna A. ‘They show that the woman was under the influence of drugs at the time of the incident,’ said Prok. Gąsiorowski. 


    It was unofficially said that the 37-year-old was supposed to be under the influence of marijuana, while still at the gas station she was supposed to smoke a joint. Also, police found an insignificant amount of the narcotic by the detainee.


    Proc. Gąsiorowski said the suspect would face another charge, which would be formed based on full test results confirming whether the 37-year-old was intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics. He added that when the file returned to the prosecutor’s office after the remand hearing, which the court has scheduled for Tuesday, an order would be made to change the charges. 


    Yesterday (1 Mar 2021), the District Prosecutor’s Office in Kołobrzeg indicted a 37-year-old Polish woman living in the Netherlands on three charges based on five articles of the Penal Code. 


    ‘The first relates to damage to property with a total value of PLN 20 thousand, as a result of driving a BMW car into a petrol station building. At the same time, by damaging the structure of the building, leading to the detachment of its elements, the suspect put two female employees of the station and a police officer in direct danger of losing their lives or seriously injuring their health,’ said Gąsiorowski on Monday. 


    The 37-year-old also heard a charge of influencing police action. She was alleged to have used violence, striking the car mirror, to force the officer to abandon his attempt to stop her and to disobey an order to stop for a traffic check. 


    The woman is also suspected of possessing a small amount of marijuana. The maximum penalty for committing individual acts is – respectively – up to 3 and 5 years imprisonment. 


    A 37-year-old woman drove a silver BMW into a petrol station building in Rymań (West Pomeranian voivodeship) on the night of February 27-28. Police officers called to intervene by the facility staff have already been on the scene. Despite attempts to apprehend her and shots fired by the police, the woman drove off and reported herself to one of the police stations in Koszalin, over 40 km away. She’s been detained. 

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