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    Government Majority Rejects Amendment to Protect Soldiers at Border

    Paweł Jabłoński, a PiS MP, expressed his frustration on social media after the government majority rejected his amendment. The proposal aimed to clearly authorize...

    Orlen Finalizes Acquisition of 10 MW Solar Farm Near Wałcz

    Orlen has announced the completion of its acquisition of a 10 MW solar farm located near the town of Wałcz in the West Pomeranian...

    President Duda Highlights Key Outcomes of NATO’s 75th Anniversary Summit

    President Andrzej Duda summarized the outcomes of the 75th anniversary NATO summit, held in Washington. The three-day meeting of leaders from 32 countries focused...

    Foresters’ Day in Poland: A Celebration of Nature and Heritage

    Foresters' Day, officially established on July 12 by the Director-General of the State Forests in Poland, honours the legacy of St. Giovanni Gualberto, the patron saint of foresters, park rangers, and parks. This date was chosen to coincide with the feast day of St. Giovanni Gualberto, who played a pivotal role in forest conservation.

    Honouring the Sacrifice of Polish Villages: National Day of the Fight and Martyrology

    Every July 12th, Poland solemnly observes the National Day of the Fight and Martyrology of Polish Villages, a day set aside to remember the tragic events that devastated Michniów in 1943. Established in 2017, this day honours the memory of villagers who suffered immensely during World War II.


    First Conviction for Looting During Floods in Poland

    A six-month prison sentence has been handed down for...

    Tonight at 09:10 PM in Kulisy Manipulacji: WOT and Fire Brigades Under Media Attack

    In tonight's episode of Kulisy Manipulacji, hosts Katarzyna Gójska...

    Join Us for Insightful Political Discussions on ‘AGORA KLARENBACHA’ with Adrian Klarenbach

    Join Adrian Klarenbach every Friday evening at 8:00 PM...

    Beware of Fake Flood Relief Fundraisers! Fraud Cases Are on the Rise

    CBZC uncovers fake flood relief fundraisers. Stay safe by...