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    Assassination Attempt on Slovak PM Fico Allegedly Inspired by Russian Elements

    Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico narrowly escaped an assassination attempt. The assailant, writer Juraj Cintula, has been linked to a pro-Russian paramilitary organization with ties to the Russian Special Forces, Specnaz.

    Cintula, a former member of Slovenskí Branci (Slovak Recruits), was reportedly active in the group several years ago. The organization’s leader, Peter Švrček, is known to have received training from the Russian Specnaz. This connection raises questions about potential Russian influence in the attack on Fico, who is himself a pro-Russian politician.

    Slovenskí Branci, which disbanded in 2022 amid criticism following Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, claimed to be an ideologically neutral military organization opposing Nazism and fascism. They promoted friendly relations with Russian military-patriotic units. Cintula was more than a passive member; in 2016, he wrote a manifesto for the group, calling for citizens to protect public spaces from what he described as criminal elements.

    Recently, the group’s Facebook page has posted bizarre quasi-pornographic content, suggesting it may have been hacked.

    After his arrest, Cintula expressed dissatisfaction with Fico’s government, criticizing its handling of the media and specific figures such as Jan Mazak, a former head of the Slovak Judicial Council and member of the Venice Commission.

    The possibility that Russian elements inspired the attack to unify and strengthen pro-Russian candidates ahead of the European elections has been suggested. Commenting on the incident, Polish MP Mateusz Morawiecki expressed his sadness and emphasized the need to stop violence and hate speech.

    “We must say ‘stop’ to violence and actions that lead to the escalation of evil. Unfortunately, we are also experiencing this in Poland. Let’s be aware that hatred can spread very quickly, and it must be stopped,” Morawiecki urged.

    As investigations continue, the implications of Cintula’s actions and his connections to Slovenskí Branci and Russian influences remain a critical area of focus for authorities and political observers.

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