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    “Lady with an Ermine” is a real star

    "Lady with an Ermine" by Leonardo da Vinci - the "star" of the Czartoryski collection - is the most valuable painting in Polish collections and a magnet that attracts lovers of Renaissance art to Krakow. But its international fame began in the interwar period.

    Military support for Poland

    The Pentagon's budget for 2020 includes confirmation of obligations under Article 5 of the NATO pact and a declaration of military cooperation with Poland. Budget includes military investment as well and was passed by the US Senate on Tuesday.

    Great boar hunting

    The matter of mass killings of wild boars is being decided, due to the spread of African Swine Fever, which is threatening the population of pigs in Poland. The parliamentary committee on agriculture debated this matter last week.

    Wislostrada closed

    Warsaw’s main traffic artery, the Wislostrada, is blocked. From yesterday morning, serious congestion of traffic clogged the central river road -- one of the most travelled of Warsaw thoroughfares - after a cavity under the road was discovered, posing a potential serious threat to drivers, if the road collapses.

    Nord Stream sanctions

    The Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is being built under the Baltic sea to deliver 100 billion cubic meters of Russian natural gas to Germany annually. Poland opposes it and the United States Senate passed bill imposing sanctions on companies involved in building Nord Stream 2.

    Arrests in the case of the tragedy in Szczyrk

    A December 4th explosion that killed 8 people in the southern city of Szczyrk has resulted in the detention of three people. Their arrest was ordered by the Bielsko-Biała district prosecutor's office.

    Total negation

    Street protests continue in a dozen Polish cities against court reform. The Law and Justice party is introducing a new bill to restructure the common courts. The bill’s first reading in parliament will be scheduled tomorrow. Law and Justice proposed reform runs counter to parliamentary opposition as well as a concentration of judges.

    Polish renovation

    The Polish prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki,has announced the creation of a special Thermo-modernisation and Renovation Fund, the goal of which will be a thorough modernisation of heating systems in buildings made from prefabricated concrete. It is estimated that over 12 million Poles live in this type of building.

    Scare again Polexit

    According to the opinion of the Polish Supreme Court the proposed wording of the draft bill prepared by Law and Justice on the structure of common courts, constitutes the "end of judicial self-government" and "closes the mouths of judges". According to the spokesman of the Supreme Court, judge Stanisław Laskowski, the Law and Justice draft does not comply with European law. Politicians from the Civic Coalition are going even further, claiming that the draft may lead to the withdrawal of EU funds from Poland, and are even suggesting this might bring about a Polexit. Yesterday , the prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, spoke about this conflict over the proposed law on the structure of the common courts.

    Baltics and Poland are key countries for regional security

    The defense ministers of Poland and the Baltic states met on Monday in Tallinn to discuss issues related to common defense and security. According to Blaszczak, the US presence in Poland will contribute to the security of both Poland and allies, especially the Baltic States.

    The scouts gave the Prime Minister the Bethlehem Light of Peace

    Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki received on Tuesday the Bethlehem Light of Peace from scouts of the Polish Scouting Association (ZHP) in an office in Warsaw. This year's action of relaying light takes place under the slogan "The light that gives power".

    Add: redakcja


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